-Aim: Move the mouse left and right to change the gun's angle.
-Gun Sight: Some weapons provide an aiming cursor. Use the mouse to
move the aiming cursor to your desired target.
-Trigger: Press the mouse button to fire the current weapon.
Other Game Controls:
-Change Weapon: The 'S' and 'D' keys change the selected gun to the next or previous available weapon respectively. These keys can be changed in the preferences dialog.
-Select Weapon: The number keys '1' through '5' select a specific weapon:
1: Select Standard Gun.
2: Select Mortar.
3: Select Flak Gun.
4: Select Dual Gun.
5: Select Missile Launcher.
These keys cannotbe changed .
-Speed Shot: If you have purchased speed shots, depress the Option key to activate the high rate of fire. The lightning bolt will light in the upper right of the screen and the numbers will show the speed shots remaining.
-Pause: Depress the Caps Lock key to pause the game. To resume, turn Caps Lock off.
-Change Speed: The '+/=' and '-' keys respectively cause the game to speed up and slow down. Note that you cannot run the game slower than real time; that wouldn't be fair to your enemies.
-Sound Volume: Press Command-']' (right bracket) to increase the sound volume, and press Command-'[' (left bracket) to decrease it. Pressing Command-'\' (backslash) will toggle the sound on and off.
-Abort Game: Press Escape or Command-'Q' to abort a game in progress and return to the Triple-A main game screen.
Supply Depot Controls:
-Buy New Item: Move the mouse pointer over an item displayed in GREEN text and press the mouse button to purchase it.
-Select Item: Move the mouse pointer over an item displayed in GREY text and press the mouse button to select it (the selected item is displayed in YELLOW text). You will not lose your currently- selected weapon or item by switching to another type you may have already purchased.
-Buy/Sell Ammunition: Move the mouse pointer over the '+' and '-' symbols and press the mouse button to purchase or sell back ammunition for a gun or ground defense.
-Buy/Sell Ammunition By 5: Hold the Option key down while you press the mouse button over the '+' and '-' symbols to buy or sell ammunition 5 rounds at a time.
-Buy/Sell All Ammunition: Hold the Command key down while you press the mouse button over the '+' and '-' symbols to buy the maximum amount of ammunition allowed or to sell all ammunition back at once. Your purchase may be restricted by your available supplies and by the maximum ammunition capacity of the weapon you are buying ammunition for.
-Abort Purchase: Press the Revert button at the bottom-right of the screen to abort all purchases made on this visit to the supply depot and begin again.
-Continue Game: Press the Man Defenses button at the bottom-right of the screen to accept your supply purchases and go on to the next raid.
-Abort Game: Press Command-'Q' to abort a game in progress and return to the Triple-A main game screen.
** New Feature **
-Suspend Game: Press Command-'S' to suspend a game in progress and return to the Triple-A main game screen. This will allow a player to restart where they left off by choosing Resume Game from the main game memu. This is only available to registered users.
Scores Display Controls:
-Record Score: Type your name and press Return or exit the Score Display.
-Scroll List: Pressing the Down Arrow or Command-'+' will scroll the list down one entry. Pressing the Up Arrow or Command-'-' will scroll the list up one entry.
-Page Up/Down: Press Page Up to scroll the list up one page. Press Page Down to scroll the list down one page.
-High Score/Low Score: Press Home to display the high score. Press End to display the low score.
-Exit Scores Display: Press Return, Escape, or click the mouse button to exit the Scores Display and return to the Triple-A main game screen.
** New Feature **
-New Game: Press Command-'N' or choose New Game from the File menu. When starting a new game you will be given the opportunity to start at any raid you had made it to previously, thus once you get to the fourth level you can always start at the fourth level. The supplies awarded will be based on 66% of the highest supply total you had when getting to the raid in previous games (this total will include the cost of all equipment currently owned, but not equipment lost previously). So, what does this mean? It pays to play to improve the number of supplies earned (the easier it will be to start at higher levels). Additionally, starting too high may not give a player the supplies needed to make it through a tough level. BTW, the highest score achieved going into the selected level is shown, so you know how much you are giving up. This score is NOT given to you at the level's start, you do always start at zero.
** New Feature **
-Resume Game: Choose Resume Game from the File menu. You will be able to resume any suspended game. Once resumed a game can not be resume again, but can be saved at a later stage in the game and then resume from there.
-Quit: Press Command-'Q' or Quit from the File menu at the Triple-A main screen to quit Triple-A.
-Exit About Box: Press the mouse button to exit the About Box and return to the Triple-A main screen.